How To Analyse Financial Statements
The very basic of investing and understanding a business is to understand the finances of the company. The finances and monetary positions of the company are the backbones of any decision when it comes to investing or understanding the company. Though there is no set pattern when it comes to filtering the information from the financials of the company and the type of filtering depends upon the style, need and size of the information. required. In this article, we will be sharing the basic you should always look for while picking up a company for investing. 1. Net Income In terms of overall profitability, the net income is the obvious starting point when analyzing a financial statement. This bottom-line amount on a company's income statement is an excellent indicator of profitability because it puts a value on the amount a company takes in, once all costs of production, depreciation, tax, interest and other expenses have been deducted. 2. Operating Profit Ma...