Personal Finance Tips for Young Professionals Starting Their Career
Being a millennial has its virtues and shortcomings, but more often than not, millennials are considered to be financially indisciplined, frittering away their money on avocado toasts and lattes. Recently, one of my clients brought his son to me for a session on personal finances and investments. The main concern of the father-son duo was that they weren't able to figure out where all the salary is going and how can he be more prudent towards his finances. While having a discussion with him I realized that the issues he has been facing are common among the young professional and the main problem was lack of financial literacy and the segregation and consensus of the young generation's mindset from their parents. So in this article, we will be discussing the aspects of finances that every young professional should consider to manage their finances in a more responsible manner (as their father would want them to). 1. Pay Yourself First: Before you get on to pay the vendors for...